Turmeric : The Golden of herbal for health

Turmeric : The Golden of herbal for health

Turmeric: The Golden of herbal for health

     Turmeric is a herb that has many benefits and properties. It is an herbal plant, has long been accustomed with Thai and 
popular in international herbal researcher. The unique yellow-orange color of turmeric through the manufacturing process. It has inspired many cultures to use it as a dye. Commonly used as a spices, curry paste and food coloring and produce to a variety of products. Moreover most turmeric is used in the form of powder and fresh rhizome such as turmeric powder, capsule and tea. In addition, an extracts are some of the turmeric products available commercially.

What Is Turmeric?
     Turmeric is a herb in the ginger family. It has a good unique smell. Also known by the scientific name Curcuma longa L. (C. domestica Valeton) and Ammonum curcuma Jacq, Zingiberaceae (family), Curuma (genus) Turmeric is a herb originating from southern Asia. Turmeric is widely cultivated on the tropical county and subtropical county. The largest turmeric producers are India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, etc. India is the world’s largest producer.

Important substances of turmeric
     When separate the mixture of turmeric. Two substances group that can found in turmeric are essential oil 3-7.2% and curcuminoids 2-5% This is a proportion of substances quantity per weight of turmeric.
     1. Essential oil has light yellow color, which is mostly found in the root and can be processed or used as an ingredient in various products. For example, mosquito repellent, soaps and skin creams, or can be used as a lotion for rash etc.
     2. Curcuminoids has orange-yellow color, which is mostly found in the rhizome. Three natural phytochemicals isolated as curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bis demethoxycurcumin by chromatography technique. Curcuminoids have antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-cancer activity and antimicrobial activity. Therefore, it used in medicine, food and cosmetics.

Properties of Turmeric
     There are many turmeric research papers about the properties of turmeric and biological activity, that explain about the important substances extracted in turmeric consist of essential oil and curcuminoids. It has biological activity such as antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, antimicrobial activity, anti-cancer activity, Anti- Alzheimer's associated enzymes. It can divide according to the biological activity showing properties as follows:

Antioxidant activity
It’s improve your antioxidant status
Slow down aging and Slow down Skin Aging improve liver function
Boost immune system
Reduce blood sugar
Against Antioxidants in hemoglobin e-β thalassemia patient’s red blood cells.

Anti-inflammatory activity
It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects of arthritis.
Reduce the aggravation that people with arthritis feel in their joints.
Relieve acid reflux and gastrointestinal disease
inhibit the bacteria from infection helps to heal wounds faster

Antimicrobial activity

Inhibit the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers.
Against bacteria that can cause diarrhea
Against bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers.

Anti-cancer activity

Prevent cancer 
Inhibits the growth of abnormal cells or cancer cell necrosis
Inhibit the spread of cancer cells

Anti- Alzheimer's associated enzymes
Help to nourish the brain
Prevent Alzheimer's disease
Prevent  neurological disorder
Reduce chronic inflammation of nerve cells in the brain.

     For this reason, Turmeric is The Golden of herbal for health and widely accepted to international herbal research.   
Meanwhile we must be considered about side effect and toxic of turmeric. Studying of toxicology and many research papers, that didn't lead to any apparent adverse effects. According to, the studies showed that the cancer patients take doses of 8 gram of curcumin per day didn't lead to any adverse effects or Non- toxic to the patients. But there a some reported that taking high doses of curcumin may cause effects to the death of conjunctival cells, references from National list of essential medicines since 2006 is do not use turmeric medicine for people with blocked bile ducts, patients with gallstone disease and pregnant women so you should consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking the drug.

วิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี, สนุกพีเดีย, สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ (สสส.), สำนักงานข้อมูลสมุนไพร คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, เว็บไซต์มุสลิมไทยโพสต์

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